

April 2020 End Abuse Newsletter

April 1, 2020


April 2020 End Abuse Newsletter




Elevating the Issues: Addressing Challenges to Sustaining Services for Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19


As the global rise of COVID-19 continues, survivors with disabilities and the advocates who serve them are trying to navigate service provision in the new reality we all face. Maintaining safe and accessible services for survivors with disabilities continues to be a priority. As we all navigate the “new normal,” critical issues impacting survivors with disabilities have emerged that need our immediate attention, including:


·    The need for continuing, safe personal care and direct service staff to support survivors with disabilities to assist in activities of daily living, even during times of social distancing;

·    Increasing isolation and lack of oversight for survivors in institutional and long-term care settings;

·    Maintaining health care and access during a time when these resources are becoming restricted;

·    Safety planning when services and alternatives are limited;

·    Providing access to technology if needed and not otherwise available; and

·    Ensuring the accessibility, safety, and confidentiality when using such technology to provide services.


There are no easy solutions to the challenges being faced during this unprecedented time, but advocates and survivors with disabilities are working tirelessly to surface and address these issues and others. We continue to elevate these conversations and work to ensure the provision of safe and accessible services moving forward. This is not an easy time for anyone, but together we can address the things that matter most for survivors with disabilities.




Doing our Part: The Center on Victimization and Safety’s Response to COVID-19


The Center on Victimization and Safety is also working to sustain services for survivors with disabilities during COVID-19. We are meeting more often with the grantees we serve, partnering with them to establish best practices for services for survivors with disabilities and providing them with support they need. This includes more frequent check-ins as well as regular drop-in sessions. We are also hosting a variety of listening sessions to hear about the needs and concerns of the field. In addition, we are hosting two national strategy sessions to begin to address the concerns of the advocates and professionals working to serve survivors with disabilities. These strategy sessions will be posted online as a reference for the field.


If you are interested in more information about sustaining services for survivors with disabilities or would like view recordings of our strategy sessions, please see the End Abuse COVID-19 resource page.



For training and technical assistance on sustaining services for survivors with disabilities during COVID-19 and beyond, please contact us.



Upcoming Events

Join us for our April End Abuse of People with Disabilities Webinar!


Technology as a Tool for Advocacy: Accessible and Safe Use of Technology to Serve Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Beyond

April 21, 2020

Thoughtful implementation of accessible technology during our COVID-19 response can permanently transform advocacy for survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors. In this webinar, the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Safety Net Team will review best practices for using technology to ensure that it is safe, accessible, and confidential for all. To register, please click the register for the webinar button below.

Register for the Webinar



In Case You Missed It:

In March, our End Abuse Webinar focused on providing safe and accessible medical forensic exams to survivors with disabilities. The Removing Barriers Following Sexual Assault: Sexual Assault Forensic Exams for Survivors with Disabilities webinar is available now!



Share Your Ideas:

Do you have ideas about issues we could highlight in our monthly newsletter, topics for our monthly webinar series, or information about new initiatives that seek justice for people with disabilities? We want your feedback! Submit your ideas thoughts and feedback by emailing


Center on Victimization and Safety | Vera Institute of Justice






