

BDDS Day Service Sustainability Grant: Fourth Cycle Application

August 25, 2020

BDDS Day Service Sustainability Grant: Fourth Cycle Application

The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services is currently accepting applications for the third grant cycle. The application period opens on August 24, 2020, and needs to be submitted by September 18, 2020, by 6 p.m. EDT. The application is posted on the DDRS COVID-19 Resource webpage. Interested day service providers will find an instructional guide and the link to the application.

BDDS Day Services Sustainability Grants are intended to provide temporary assistance to HCBS waiver and OBRA providers who provide adult day, facility habilitation, pre-vocational habilitation, individual habilitation, and/or group habilitation services under the Family Support and Community Habilitation and Integration waivers or the OBRA program and had to close or suspend services as a result of COVID-19. In considering the application process, providers should keep in mind the following key points:

  • Grants are awarded to providers for the purpose providing economic support and relief to reimburse the costs of business interruption related the COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • Submitting an application is not a guarantee of funding.
  • If awarded, the grant amount will based on 75% of the provider’s historic payments, less any claims for services that the provider was able to render during the grant period. BDDS will determine the historic payment based on the average of 2019 claims paid during the same period elected by the provider.
  • Once you begin the application, there is no way to save it and return to it. With this in mind, please be sure to gather the information referenced in the Instructional Guide linked on the DDRS COVID-19 webpage before beginning the application. Assuming you have ready access to the information described above, the application should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
  • BDDS Day Services Sustainability Grant applications cover a one month time period – beginning either March 1, 2020, or April 1, 2020, as elected by the provider in their initial application.


The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at
