CIL-NET Presents: A National Learning Collaborative on
Youth Transition at Centers for Independent Living
Are you excited to develop a youth transition program at your Center for Independent Living (CIL), but need a little help to get there?
CIL-NET is offering an exciting new approach to support CILs that are ready to make a commitment to young people with disabilities!
Goal of the Collaborative: To develop and implement new or additional youth transition services at your CIL through the creation of a Program-Centered Plan focused on youth’s interests and needs and agency capacity.
What is a Learning Collaborative?
A learning collaborative is an interactive group process to improve programs and performance through progressive learning, action, and planning.
The National Learning Collaborative on Youth Transition at Centers for Independent Living is much more than training. From March to December of 2018, our facilitators will work with a dedicated group of CILs to support one another as they plan to create or expand their youth transition programs. It involves a commitment of time and resources to complete an actionable plan. Participants in the collaborative will learn alongside and support one another. A successful collaborative requires commitment, teamwork, and follow-through. Therefore, we are asking interested individuals to apply to participate. A maximum of 12 CILs will be selected for participation with a maximum of 2 individuals per CIL. Applicants must have the authority and the resources to participate fully and to be ready to go once the collaborative participants are selected. Applicants must be available and prepared to participate in all collaborative activities, including monthly group calls, planning work between calls, and an onsite meeting at the Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (Allentown, PA) on April 4 and 5, 2018. Group and individual work between calls is estimated at 6-10 hours a month. Facilitation of the collaborative is provided by ILRU, NCIL, and Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL) staff.
What Are the Application Requirements?
- A maximum of 2 individuals from each CIL may apply.
- Participation will be limited to the individual(s) who are accepted for enrollment. Substitutes may not join collaborative activities.
- Participants must be individuals with decision-making authority (for example, an executive director, deputy director, or program manager).
- The person at the CIL who is leading the youth transition initiative at the CIL must be one of the individuals who applies.
- Participation in all group activities is mandatory to include monthly group calls, one onsite visit to the Lehigh Valley CIL on April 4 and 5, 2018, and a virtual final presentation in December.
- Each participating CIL will be expected to develop a plan for creating or expanding youth transition services.
- The CIL’s plan must be given sign-off by the authorizing person or the board of directors where that’s appropriate before it is presented to the learning collaborative in December.
- The applicant CIL must have the financial and human resources necessary to make a commitment for full participation throughout the entire collaborative timeframe.
Who Are the Facilitators?
Seth Hoderewski is the Director of Transition Services at Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL) where he has worked for 9 years. He has worked in the social services field for over 20 years, with the last 9 years directly in the field of transition. He has helped to shape the current multi-faceted youth transition services at LVCIL and oversees and works with the S2L group, the Real World Lehigh Valley summer program, Pre-Employment Transition Services, LIFE (school-based fee for service program), and numerous other related LVCIL projects and programs.
Joe Michener is the Director of Employment Services at LVCIL, where he manages the Career Path, VIP (Vocational Independence Program – WIOA), and LCCC SEED (support for college students) programs. Joe has worked in vocational services for more than 15 years, and he has been involved in developing and managing successful grant and fee-for-service programs in partnership with the Department of Labor (including Vocational Rehabilitation) and the Department of Human Services.
How Do I Apply?
Applications are due Thursday, February 8, 2018. Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. No applications will be accepted after the deadline. |