DDRS Home and Community-Based Service Rate Review Project-Draft Rate Presentation
DDRS Home and Community-Based Service Rate Review Project-Draft Rate Presentation
We are pleased to invite you to the DDRS HCBS Draft Rate Presentation. This presentation will be held on Feb. 27, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. EST. The presentation will be held using a hybrid format and interested parties may either attend via Zoom or in-person in the Conference Center Auditorium at the Indiana Government Center South.
The agenda will include:
- Overview and background of the rate study
- Rate model framework assumptions
- Illustrative rate calculations
- Next steps
- Questions
If you would like to receive the meeting materials, please register using this link (the presentation will be emailed out using the submitted email address): DDRS HCBS Rate Setting Meeting
All materials, inclusive of the recorded meeting, will be posted online to the 2022-2023 HCBS Rate Review Project website following the presentation.
To attend the in-person meeting:
- Location: Conference Center Auditorium in the Indiana Government Center South, 402 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
To access the virtual meeting:
- Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
- Meeting ID: 842 0946 0992
- Passcode: 234438
- Optional call-in number: 312-626-6799
As a reminder, anyone who is unable to attend will be able to access the recording from the project website.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to individuals within your organization who may be interested in attending the DDRS HCBS Rate Review Presentation.